· ☕ 33 分で読めます

· ☕ 2 分で読めます
プチ断食を初めて1週間が経った。あんま効果は実感してない。 目的は頭皮の痒みをなくす、鼻周りの肌改善だ。並行して糖質制限もやってるからなんか美

Time Scheduling
· ☕ 5 分で読めます · 🐙 subaru
Hey there! Ever wondered how your computer manages to juggle multiple tasks at once without breaking a sweat? It’s all thanks to some clever task scheduling by the operating system (OS). Think of the OS as a super-efficient event planner, ensuring that every process (like apps, services, etc.) gets its fair share of CPU time to keep things running smoothly. Let’s break down some of the cool ways it does this.

So, What is The Process?
· ☕ 7 分で読めます · 🐙 subaru
A process is an instance of a program in execution, which includes the program code and its current activity